Skin Hydration Therapy

The perfect skin boosting treatment to improve smoothness, elasticity, lustre and glow

Skin Hydration Therapy

Keeping your looks is not just about the management of facial lines and wrinkles but also good skin quality and texture. Ever noticed how young skin has that special glow?

Skin that is firm and smooth is skin that is fully hydrated. Skin Hydration Therapy with products such as Restylane Vital™ (or Vital Light™) and Juvederm® Hydrate restores the skin’s hydrobalance, glow and lustre, to refresh your overall appearance.

Full Face Skin Rejuvenation

following a course of 3 Restylane Vital Treatments



Over the years, skin may dry out as its natural levels of hyaluronic acid diminish due to age and genetic factors, as well as lifestyle factors such as smoking, sun exposure and environmental factors. This is more noticeable in areas that are more exposed to the elements, such as the face, neck, décolletage and hands.



Hand Rejuvenation

following a course of 3 Restylane Vital Treatments

By injecting micro droplets of hyaluronic acid deep into the skin, the skin’s moisture holding capacity (hydrobalance) is restored resulting in increased skin smoothness, firmness and elasticity.

Hand Rejuvenation

following a course of 3 Restylane Vital Treatments



Skin Hydration Therapy provides lasting skin care from within – giving skin that natural, revitalised, healthy glow.